Saturday 9 April 2011

Health and Fitness Improvements to Consider for the New Year


Regardless of whether you've made new year resolutions to improve your health and fitness, there are some things we may want to consider improving on. It doesn't hurt to take a look at our current status and figure out what could use some work. Below are some things to consider focusing on that you may overlook as fitness becomes a priority.

1. Flexibility - I admit, I am still very weak in this area. I always tell myself I need to work on stretching more but it is so easy to skip. Improved flexibility can help decrease risk of injury, muscle soreness, as well as improve overall physical performance.

2. Strength - One reason for deciding to get fit is to look better. However, simply packing on muscle and carving your physique doesn't mean you're strong. Improving your strength through strength training holds many benefits such as increasing bone density, increasing metabolic rate, and maintaining muscle mass.

3. Resting heart rate - A low heart rate at rest has been used as a measurement of efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness. A normal resting heart rate ranges between 60 to 100 beats a minute, while an athlete's resting heart rate may be around 40 beats a minute. Keep in mind that other factors could effect heart rate to include age, sex, medication.

4. Diet - Our eating habits can make or break our fitness progress. Working out regularly but continuing to eat junk is not a good combination. Improving our diets doesn't have to be difficult. You can incorporate better eating habits slowly and allow yourself to indulge in your favorite foods once in awhile. If you need ideas on how to eat better, research eating clean or the paleo diet.

5. Core strength - Core muscles support the spine and power all of our movements. Improving core strength benefits can include: improved balance and stability, reduced risk of injury, reduced back problems, and improved overall function on a daily basis.

What are some fitness improvements that you plan on focusing on?

Sunday 27 March 2011

Puffy Face in the Morning

Puffy face in the morning is usually not a cause of worry, unless it is persistent. Read on to know more about the condition, its causes and remedies...
Puffy face in the morning is not uncommon and is usually not a cause of worry. This condition may develop due to various causes, most of which are not of a serious nature. In most cases, the puffiness will disappear within a short time. But, if it is persistent and/or accompanied by other symptoms, then you have to contact your doctor and get it diagnosed. If you are interested in knowing more about puffy face causes and remedies, continue reading this article.

Puffy Face Causes

In general, a puffy face in the morning is a condition with many different possible causes. Such puffiness is mostly found near the eyes. Here is a list of some of the possible causes of puffy face in the morning.
  • One of the most common reasons for puffy face in the morning is dehydration. As the body gets dehydrated, it tends to hold on to the water remaining in the body. The eyelids are one of those locations where water gets accumulated due to dehydration.
  • Insufficient sleep as well as sleeping for long durations may be among the puffy face causes.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking may be among the reasons for facial puffiness in the morning.
  • In some cases, puffiness of face can be caused by diet. This may happen if you have a diet with excessive salt. A diet with less nutrients (particularly vitamin C and beta carotene) may also lead to such puffiness.
  • Lifestyle factors, too, play a vital role in causing this condition. This includes lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, etc.
  • If you have the habit of sleeping with eye make-up on, then there are chances that you can develop puffiness of the face in the morning.
  • Eye infections are also a possible cause for this condition. It is advisable to avoid use of old eye make up that may cause eye infections.
  • People with high blood pressure may have puffy face in the morning. Intake of certain medications during the night may also cause such puffiness.
  • Other causes include stress, allergies, hormonal changes, incessant crying, thyroid problems, certain kidney disorders, sinusitis, tooth abscess, etc.
Remedies for Puffy Face

Now you know more about causes of puffy face in the morning. It is evident from the information that most of the causes are mild and can be remedied with easy solutions. But there are some that require medical treatment. So if you experience puffy face every morning, you must seek medical attention. This is also applicable for those who experience this condition along with other symptoms like itching, fever, discoloration, running nose, sneezing, pain, etc.

Drinking enough water, to tackle dehydration, which is one of the common causes for puffy face, can help. Ice packs may also prove beneficial in reducing the puffiness. Opt for facial masks made of grated potato or cucumber, there are known to tackle puffiness. It will be beneficial to keep your pillow at a slightly elevated level, so as to prevent puffiness of the face in the morning. If you think that this condition may be due to lifestyle factors, diet, etc., you can always change that. Adopt a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Avoid excess amounts of salt and fats in the diet. Drink lots of liquid and exercise regularly.

In short, puffy face in the morning is a common condition that can be caused by various factors, most of which are not problematic. Such puffiness may disappear within a few minutes or an hour. You may try the above said remedies to counter such puffiness, which is often viewed as a cosmetic problem. But if the puffiness is consistent, you must seek medical attention to rule out the possibility of any underlying health problem.

By Sonia Nair

Sunday 20 March 2011

Avoiding Gym Germs – There’s Some Nasty Stuff at the Gym!


When I was a member at the local gym, I did enjoy going. Although there were good points and bad points about the place, going did help to turn my attitude around about fitness. One thing that happened to me more often than not was getting sick. I would come down with a cold and while I will never know for certain it was due to touching the equipment at the gym, I have a strong feeling it was the cause of many of my colds.
Get ready to be grossed out because the stuff you can catch at the gym is really nasty!

What Holds the Most Germs?

Handles - Any handles that you can touch will contain most of the germs. Also be aware of everything on the machines that you can touch, including the buttons.
Showers - Don't even think about using the shower without wearing shower shoes. You're just asking for a case of athlete's foot if you shower in your bare feet.
Yoga mats - I can't imagine that most people don't bring their own yoga mats to the gym but if your gym supplies them and you have been using them, wipe them down well. The sweat from the previous user can leave bacteria that can transfer to your skin causing Folliculitis (inflammation of one or more hair follicles.)

What You Can Do to Help Avoid the Germs

Wash your hands - wash them before and after you use the equipment. Dry your hands with paper towels or air dry. Don't dry with the towel you're using for the machines. Antibacterial gel also helps if you want to use it in-between hand washing.
Avoid touching your face - particularly your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Use antibacterial wipes - hopefully your gym supplies them but if not, they are inexpensive. Carry them with you and wipe down everything before you use it - handles, buttons, seats, benches, etc. Also cover up any cuts or abrasions you may have on your hands. Most of all, don't wipe down equipment with the same towel you're using to wipe your own sweat. Your towel can carry fungal bacteria like ringworm.
Water fountains - personally, I always brought my own water to the gym but if you must use a water fountain, let it run for 15 seconds or so before taking a drink.